Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week #13 - September 24th, 2017 - Baptisms & Basketball

 ko e tohi a molomona 

This week went by so fast.. so crazy! So last p-day we played basketball with some sisters from the vc haha which consisted of me running around and sliding on the court and dancing haha it was fun! today we are going to city centre and shopping and I'm gonna take a fat as nap!! Okay so we have been working with a less-active Samuel who has literally turned his life around, he almost went to prison and doesn't have a good past but he has been meeting with us every week and he finally came to church!! I was so happy seeing him at church, taking the sacrament!! oh my goodness it was such a lovely day!! cause he FINALLY came!! we also are working with a family who moved from Aussie and their 10 year old
VC Family
daughter Karise, is getting baptized on Saturday!! her parents are slowly coming back to church and her dad is baptizing her which is so special!! We are hopefully gonna start teaching her older sister! ahhh I'm just so happy for them!

And we are still teaching the 3 sisters! the youngest Evanne, is hopefully gonna get baptized in October! and the oldest Arlieth who has a 2-year-old son and baby girl and their friend Philemen came to Jjahvayas baptism on Saturday!! I taught Jahvaya for a little bit last transfer and she is so sweet and wanting to serve a mission!! The sisters and Philemen treat us like family and are truly family to me. they told people at the baptism that there gonna be baptized soon.. so we will see what happens!! they also had us over the other night to celebrate te 
Akurangi's 2nd birthday!! he is the cutest little Maori little boy!! they are so special to me and I'm so happy

Heavenly Father has prepared them to receive the gospel! 

But this week was so amazing, filled with so many blessings! I learned more Tongan this weekend at the vc and a little bit of Samoan!! I also went on exchanges with Sister Kearon from England and we had to drive some sisters around cause no one can drive in the mission haha but we had to call the assistants for permission for something so we gave the phone to Sister Soyson from Thailand cause no one can understand her English so the assistants always say yes to her hahaha Next time I'll have her ask if we can go down to Gisborne and the beach haha jokes! The mission is hard but the best hard ever and I LOVE it! remember Moroni 7:13 I LOVE YOU HEAPS! 
ofa lahi atu

arohanui, xo 
sister sughroue

Jahvaya's baptism

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Week #12 - September 17th, 2017 - RAIN & RAINBOWS

 Tim Tam slammmm with Sister Howard!

Okay, I'm missing the sun in California and the ocean so much!! It's been rainy and chilly here lately but there have been heaps of gorgeous rainbows!! so I'm not complaining. haha So this week I've been getting used to my new area! It's so great!! We mostly work with less-actives and part-member families, one of the less actives brought her partner to church! He's from Tonga so I talked to him in Tongan for a little bit (I tried to lol). He was so surprised that a blonde Palangi girl could speak some Tongan haha it was so funny! we're gonna get the elders in the Tongan program to hopefully start teaching him!!

I'm basically killing 3 sisters lol but hey, I ain't trunky!!

This past weekend there has been heaps of Tongans coming to the VC and some of them went to Liahona High School and remember Grandma and Grandpa Pulsipher!! They said that they remember when they were little going to the dental office to Grandpa. haha So crazy!! a lot of the islanders that come in always just want to do their own thing and ignore the missionaries. haha When this happens I'll walk by and say something in Tongan or Samoan that will get there attention and then they'll start listening to us haha so that's cool!

Sister Tauhiro and cows (we have to wait for the
cows to pass sometimes to keep driving
haha so we go play with them haha)

Anyways this week was good, I learned a lot. I was reading an article on prayer and learned that we may not find that our difficulties or trials are taken away when we pray and ask for help but that through prayer we learn to WALK through our trials with God and we will find so much peace, hope, and understanding. Sometimes the answers to our prayers come simply in gaining a new perspective on things, an eternal perceptive. If we pray daily to our Father in Heaven, He will help us and He will listen. Remember you can always rely on your Heavenly Father.

I LOVE YOU ALL HEAPS! ofa lahi atu

arohanui, xo
sister sughroue

ps. in the mornings we go to a park and sister tuahiro sits under a tree while I run haha and then we go on the swings!! yes every morning I play on the swings! <333

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Week #11 - September 10, 2017 - Sunny Hills

 Sister Sughroue, Sister Tauhiro & Ocean
 (sister tauhiro found ocean in a park a year ago and
 I was the last one to teach ocean before she got baptized!!)
This week was so good! I got transferred to Sunnyhills (Glenview area) and am companions with Sister Tauhiro!!!! She's such a good missionary and is so humble! She is trying to teach me French and Tahitian while I help her with English and a little bit of Tongan. haha I'm so grateful for her!! This is her last transfer too so I'm killing my Tahitian mum. haha My last day in Tuhikaramea with Sister Howard was so sad but good! I'm gonna miss the people, it's crazy how fast you grow to love people you just meet! Wednesday night the Tuiotis had us over for dinner with our recent convert Ocean and her brother Jbz who is now getting baptized woohoo!! We had a mean as feed which was so yum, I was so sad to say bye to the Tuiotis cause they were family to me! I also did some Samoan dancing one last
My Samoan family, the Tuiotis
(they gave me lollies and a lava lava <3)
time with my beautiful Samoan sisters (the Tyrell fam)! Tuhikaramea is progressing so well! But I'm so excited to get to work with Sister Tauhiro in Sunny Hills and my new ward is so awesome! The bishop is from Cook Islands and has family in Tahiti so he loves Sister Tauhiro and hopefully me haha but there are heaps of Tongans and Samoans in my new ward and we get fed every night!! 

Since being with Sister Tauhiro these past couple of days in my new area, we have had so many MIRACLES!! It's so true obedience brings blessings but exact obedience brings miracles! We have these 3 sisters that we are teaching and they came to all 3 hours of church and Rose's baptism and the fireside at the vc yesterday! They told us they love coming to church cause it gets them outside of the house away from home, they come from a tough background and the oldest has a 2 year old boy
Rose's baptism!! Savi, Sister Sughroue, Rose,
Sister Howard, and Rose's mum 
and a baby girl and is the legal guardian of her other 2 sisters. They always want us to come teach them and are so keen to learn more! Heavenly Father truly prepared them for Sister Tauhiro and I and I am just so grateful! Evanne, the youngest sister, is getting baptized this month and hopefully her sisters will decide to as well! we also had a lesson yesterday at church with Karisa who is 10, and we invited her to be baptized and she said yes and her friend that was over asked us if she could get baptized to, so we are just waiting for permission from Waimania's parents. And after the lesson Karisa's parents asked us how they can come back to church cause they know they really need to. They are less active and just moved to NZ from Aussie! ahh So many miracles!!

 Sister Sione, Sister Sughroue, Sister Tauhiro, and Ocean <3
I'm so happy to be in Sunny Hills! There is so much potential here and prepared people that are ready to learn more about their Savior and accept his beautiful gospel! The gospel is truly for everyone!! And I know that the Lord has so many miracles and blessings instore for each and everyone of yous! Also you should all read "Songs Sung and Unsung" by Jeffrey R. Holland. its so good and one of my fav talks! Just remember that as you carryout your week that you all have a place in God's "choir" and he has a plan for you. I know that each and everyone of you is loved by our father in heaven! I love you all HEAPS!! ofa lahi atu

arohanui, xo
sister sughroue

ps. our area is huge and we get to drive out in the whops
haha , nz is so gorgeous! and for fhe we are going to the
edwards families home to watch "the other side of heaven" tonight! it's about a missionary from the states that served in tonga! and ocean wrote me the sweetest letter <333 and rose the cutest fijian/indian got baptized!!!!! president cummings gave sister tauhiro and i special permission to go cause sister howard and i taught her!!

More pics!! from last pday at the Taitua Arboretum!! 

Ocean made me the sweetest letter that made me cry haha

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Week #10 - September 3rd, 2017 -- OFA LAHI ATU

The Tyrell family! Samoan dancing!! wooohooo
I hope everyone is doing good and partying it up at school! This week was so awesome!! We got heaps of new investigators and one of our Indain/ Fijian investigators is getting baptized this next Sunday!! I'm so so so happy for her! After our lesson with her on Saturday she asked us when she could get baptized..   Iwas like tomorrow haha Sister Howard and I got free bbq from Brother Ngawaka after so it was a good day! We've also been teaching 3 gorgeous girls adopted from Samoa who just got baptized! We have been going over some lessons
Last district meeting with the best district </3
with them and after each lesson they teach us Samoan dancing!! haha Oh my goodness I have so much fun! They are the sweetest family, the mom prepared a feed for us which was so yum! I always feel so bad when I eat at Samoan family's homes cause they always have us eat first and they just watch.. One time I was like you can eat with us haha they are so sweet!! They also always bring over bowls of soapy water to the table for us to wash our hands right there! I love them! They also gave us lava lavas from Samoa! Woohooo I got my first lava lava!! I'm so stoked though cause they're gonna teach me how to pray in Samoan!!! 

Anyways this week was so awesome!! We have a couple of new families we are teaching and they are so keen to be baptized sometime and to learn more! We also had a transfer party at the VC directors, the Zundels home, its was so fun haha we played games and had dinner, I have like 3 sets of
Last zone conference! Elder Ete,
met his sister at temple square! 
grandparents here! This week is transfers and there is a sister from the Philippines and from Indonesia coming into the VC so thats cool! We also had exchanges this week and the Fijian grandma I taught on my last exchange came back from Fiji and I taught her again! When I saw her she came up to me and gave me a huge kiss on my cheek and the biggest hug! She's proud of me that I can say bula  haha but it was so cool to be able to teach her again, she has so much faith and I have learned heaps from her!! I love the people here in New Zealand so much! There was also a really cool Maori man that came into the VC the other day! he walked all the way to Hamilton from Gisbone which is like a 6-7 hour drive! He carries a kohata rangimarie (white
Sister Mavae, she's from Tonga (this is for Aly!!)
quartz stone) above his heart, It's the stone of peace. I asked him why he's walking and he said because to many men lack strong hearts and that everyone needs to have a strong heart, he then related it to the scriptures which was cool. I would tell you what he said but I forgot haha but ya he's cool his walk is the strong hearts/ water of life walk. There are such rad people that come into the VC!

Well I love you all! and just know that you can share the gospel and light of Christ in so many different ways! one of the easiest ways is through service! I know that serving others will bring so much joy to your life! So look for opportunities to serve and have
Tangata with the sickest afro 
a desire to serve and love those around you! also read Moroni 7:19 "search in the LIGHT of Christ" OFA LAHI ATU

sister sughroue

PS. my last pictures didnt all send but they're on the blog! 
I also got certified to drive here and only drove on the wrong side of the road once hahaha

Week #37 - March 18th, 2018 - HOME.. trusting Heavenly Father

KIA ORA whanau.. I hope everyone is well and you all know that I love yous! So these past couple of weeks and months I have learned to rea...