Sunday, October 29, 2017

Week #18 - October 29th, 2017 - CUPCAKES!

Sister Sughroue & Sister Flores

Okay so this week is going to be short and sweet cause I forgot what happened. haha I am sooo tired but Sister Flores and I are going to sleep all day!! woohooo! Okay so this week was so good! Sister Flores got her tooth pulled out on Tuesday so we went to the dentist which was fun cause I wanna be a dental hygienist! The dentist was so cracked up. If I ever come back to live in New Zealand I have a job!! Anyways Sister Flores and I just chilled in our flat all night cause the drugs they gave her made her so tired but earlier that day I met a lady that is from here in NZ and is now living in Temecula! She knows April Lowe and Rachel Gharring! It was nice to see someone from home!! Throughout this week we just walked a lot and it was SUNNY for one day haha then it rained but it was sooo nice to be out in the sun.. my tan lines are fading.hahaha I'm lowkey sad. But this week we
The Rameka's family from Temecula
were able to contact a lot of people and meet new people! on Saturday we were supposed to have a ward Halloween party but it was raining so they canceled it :( Sister Flores and I were so excited. haha So all Saturday before we went to the visitor centre we walked around in the rain which I actually like surprisingly and gave out cupcakes and cookies to all the families we invited to the Halloween party haha. Sister E'e our Samoan mom gave us all of the cupcakes that she was going to take to the party! She is so sweet!! Then on Sunday we had church and I just LOVE our ward! Ta Akurangi colored with me during sacrament meeting haha and on me.. Sundays are honestly the most stressful days for missionaries because you have so many people you have to see and talk to cause everyone is busy during the week or out of town on the weekends! so you'd better be enjoying your
Walking to an appointment
Sundays you have to relax and sleep! haha We also had a fireside last night here at the visitor centre and the missionaries in Glenview stake had to sing haha. So woohoo I had to sing again.. maybe I will be blessed with a good voice by the time I come home.. jokes! Well this week was so fun! Honestly Sister Flores and I have so much fun together. haha She is soooo funny and sassy and loves to sing Tongan hymns and make up raps so we are having a good time! I hope you all had an amazing week! I know this gospel is true and it will make your life happier, better, and more purposeful if you truly humble yourselves and strive to live it!! I LOVE YOU HEAPS!! ofa atu

arohanui, xo 
Online Chatting hahaha
This one's for Lindsey
sister sughroue

Sister Flores!
Passing out cupcakes!

Handing out cupcakes in the rain

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Week #17 - October 22nd, 2017 - TEMPLE!!!

Transfer Pics of VC Missionaries

I hope you are all doing good! Okay so this morning I went to the temple and it was so lovely!! If you have a temple near you go to it, don't take it for granted!! So this week I got a new companion! Sister Flores from the Philippines! I'm like the blonde, tall American version of her haha except she is a famous singer from the Philippines and I can't sing haha oh and I am still in Sunnyhills! I am so blessed cause I love Sunnyhills, the ward, our investigators, all the people. I never want to leave haha which means i'll probably be getting transferred next lol. 

Okay so this week we had many miracles! On Friday night we went out to the Tumai families home for dinner! They are Maori and live far out and have cows and
sheep in their front yard! That was a miracle because they are less active and all of last transfer we would go out there and they were always gone, never home because they are so involved in their Maori stuff which I love when Maori members explain their traditions/ beliefs cause it is so cool and idk how to describe it but everything has such a deep meaning. Anyways the Tumai family came to church!! 

And Saturday night we got a text asking to speak in church.. woohooo I told them to give it to the elders cause we have elders in our ward as well but we ended up speaking and I talked about gratitude. haha I actually am grateful we were asked to speak on such last notice cause Sister Flores and I both just relied on the Spirit and the Spirit was so strong during sacrament meeting. We had one investigator who cried and told us she is "the one knocking on the door"
Horses & dandelions! <333
wanting to be baptized. It was such a good day Sunday. Arleigh then came to the fireside with her little babies and she is literally super mom haha I look up to her so much.. she does everything on her own. Alreigh has truly become a sister to me and I know we will be friends even after my mission. I look up to her so much, she is someone who has ALLOWED the gospel to change her life. 

Okay but for real this week has been so good! We had a lot of rejection but it doesn't get me down. haha I just have to be careful to not laugh cause the things people say to reject the gospel is so far out there.. haha Okay but one day we were driving and there was a guy from Zambia walking, Sister Flores and I both felt the Spirit to
One of God's many BEAUTIFUL  creations
(I'll get a pic with Sister Flores this week to send)
stop and talk to him. So I pulled over onto the sidewalk and we jumped out just in time to catch him and give him a Book of Mormon. He immediately told us this book was false, Sister Flores and I looked at each other and started to testify of the truth of the Book of Mormon and then we left and he said he would try to read it and pray to know for himself if the Book of Mormon is true. The spirit was so strong as we were testifying together. 

Okay, well this week was soooo good! And I gotta go now but I love you all! There are so many things that happen that I want to share but don't have time and would rather explain in person lol okay I LOVE YOU HEAPS!!

Read Moroni 7 this week and remember that charity is the pure love of Christ and gratitude is the key to love!!

arohanui, xo
sister sughroue

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week #16 - October 15th, 2017 - COCONUTS

I LOVE Coconuts!

So this week is transfers week! Wooohooo!!! SisterTtauhiro is going home to Tahiti and I'll be getting a new comp! So this week we had a fun family home evening with the Popole family who are less active, they are so awesome! We played some basketball with them so that was fun! And afterward we left their house, theIr next door neighbors, who are members, the E'e's, invited us over for a feed hahaha I have never eaten so much before in my life. Samoans eat a lot!!!!! they are the best! This week we started teaching two new people, one is Johfry from Columbia, he's 18 and speaks only some English so it's more like playing charades. haha I wish I 
took Spanish in high school. Then we are teaching a single mom, Lini who is Tongan and has two cute little kids! Friday night the Tyrell family from Samoa, who was in my last area, came to the VC and we just watched movies with the youngest while the rest of the family did baptisms! They are the greatest family!! I love them heaps! Then on Saturday Evanne got baptized!! She is Arleigh's sister who is 14 and right after her baptism everyone could tell she had a whole new countenance about her. I am so happy for her! Arleigh really wants to be baptized and asked me how to pay tithing. She is so incredible!! She is living the gospel and I just love them soooo much they are truly family to me and it breaks my heart that she can't be baptized yet and her partner is holding her back. Hopefully, they will get married or he will move out. But they are seriously like sisters to me, and Arleigh's kids are so adorable! Anyways after the Baptism we had another feed because the E'e's youngest daughter got baptized and that was like a wedding. haha Samoans have HUGE families. haha And then on Sunday they had us over for lunch and we had another feed and gave us lavalavas..  So many blessings and so much food this week!! I LOVE YOU ALL HEAPS!! Look for the best in everyone and pray for the spiritual sensitivity to notice the opportunities you have to share this beautiful gospel! 

arohanui, xo 
sister sughroue

Evanne's BAPTISM!
Evanne & Arleigh <3

Sister Tauhiro & Me!

The cutest baby ever!
Kororia - Arleigh's little baby
Te Akaurangi, craziest sweetest little boy!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week #15 - October 8th, 2017 - CONFERENCE!

Dinner at a FLASH as house on the Waikato River

This week was so amazing!! And conference was so good!!!!!!!!!! Everyone needs to watch it! So this weekend we had a lesson with my favorite family ever. I love everyone we teach but this family is truly so special to me. we went to their house for a lesson after a dinner appointment we just had, and they surprised us with dinner haha! They are so sweet! It was so yum but I honestly thought I was going to throw up.. 2 dinners in a row.. There's a record where elders had 11 dinners in a row. haha Thank goodness that hasn't happened to me. So we had dinner with them and it was so awesome!! The youngest sister is Evanne, who is 14 is getting
Waikato River
baptized this Saturday! we sang hymns and read scriptures with them it was so awesome! So Arleith who has te Akurangi, a 2-year-old, and Karadia, a 6-month baby girl, came with Evanne and her partner, who is less active, to Conference with us!! Arlieth and evanne then came out to the Visitor Centre for another lesson and Arleith ended up getting a priesthood blessing from Elder Stout, one of the senior couple missionaries here! Arleith knows the church is true and wants to be baptized but she has to take care of some relationship stuff first, she is the strongest person I have ever met.. she is the one that holds her little family together and she told us that after every lesson we have, everything makes sense and that lesson applies to her life that week! She isn't even a member of the church yet but she is LIVING the gospel. Heavenly Father has truly prepared her and her little
sister Evanne to accept the gospel at this time in their lives. They have such a special light about them and it is the LIGHT of CHRIST. Oh my goodness, I LOVE being a missionary so much and can't even explain how much this gospel means to me. It's perfect and when we actually LIVE the gospel we will truly find so much HAPPINESS and LOVE in our lives! I love you all so much! Apply what you learned from General Conference, remember there is a difference in knowledge and wisdom. LOVE YOU HEAPS!

arohanui, xo
sister sughroue

te akurangi playing the ukele
1/2/3 dinner at a FLASH as house on the waikato river
4 te akurangi playing the ukulele 
5 karadia (held my hand all of conference <333)
6 vc sisters!! 

karadia (held my hand all Conference <333

Visitors Centre Sisters

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week #14 - October 1st, 2017 - ANSWERS TO A PRAYER

Sister Tauhiro and I sharing this BEAUTIFUL gospel

Aly's Biological Family from left to right Sio (brother in law ) holdibg baby Rachel the Sara is sister #4 then Melelaumanu, Dawn, Sister Suka (Sughroue, Grandma and Grandpa, Viola- her fiance Jay (and storm a USA friend) and Infront is Joseph is the youngest of the 8 Aunts & Uncles Sione (Dawn's 2-year-old son)
Hope everyone is doing good! This week Karise got baptized!!! Her dad was able to baptize her and her mom spoke on faith and repentance and said she knows what this gospel can do for her life and that it's time for her to come back to church! They have so much faith and I'm happy and blessed I'm able to learn from them and help them! The baptism was so special!! So this week we also had an amazing lesson with Arleith and Philemen and Evanne! They are so great, we are continuing to visit them and teach them and I know they will be baptized when the time is right! They are serious about the gospel and I care so much about them, they are so special to me. 

Aly's biological family
Joseph, Dawn, Sister Suka &Melelaumanu
Okay so the other night Sister Tauhiro and I were dropping sisters off at their flat and we had to stop at a DUI checkpoint. haha so since I was driving I had to breathe into a breath detector thingy. Anyways I ended up giving the officer a Word of Wisdom pamphlet!

Sister Suka & Melelaumanu (15 years old)
So this week I was able to learn patience and trust in Heavenly Father. On Friday after our vc training, I prayed to Heavenly Father for comfort, the mission is great and all but it can be hard. So I did what we were asked in training to pray to know why we were called here to the visitor centre in Hamilton, New Zealand. As I was praying for comfort and reassurance, right after I said this prayer, a Tongan family walked in through the doors and one of the girls looked IDENTICAL to Aly who is my lil cousin
adopted from Tonga. I went over to greet them and gave them hugs and kisses and right away one of the aunties looked at my name badge and said, "you are who we are looking for". This family that walked into the a vc right after I finished my prayer was Aly's biological family. I almost started to cry. hahaha One of the aunties shared an experience she had on her mission in Sydney, Australia and what she said was exactly what I needed to hear and an answer to my prayers. They left and came back with HEAPS of food for Sister Tauhiro and I and we took some pics! As I was introduced to the whole family I felt so much comfort and love. Heavenly Father answered my prayers. I've never had a prayer answered so quickly. I am so grateful for Aly's biological family for them to treat and love me as their own. I now have family here in New Zealand and I am so blessed!
Karise's Baptism

There is something so special and beautiful about the way this gospel unites people. I'm grateful for all of my family at home and for their love! I'm so grateful to each person I meet here in New Zealand and wouldn't trade it for anything. Remember to be PATIENT and have FAITH in Heavenly Father, those around you, and especially yourself. Love you all heaps OFA LAHI ATU

arohanui, xo 
sister sughroue

Karise's Baptism

Week #37 - March 18th, 2018 - HOME.. trusting Heavenly Father

KIA ORA whanau.. I hope everyone is well and you all know that I love yous! So these past couple of weeks and months I have learned to rea...