Sunday, March 18, 2018

Week #37 - March 18th, 2018 - HOME.. trusting Heavenly Father

KIA ORA whanau.. I hope everyone is well and you all know that I love yous! So these past couple of weeks and months I have learned to really rely on my Savior and trust Heavenly Father. I received a phone call on Saturday morning that I needed to come home on a medical release for my back. I was expecting for this to never happen but it did. I hurt my back a couple times dancing in the past and it randomly hurts but not to bad until one night in January I woke up at 2am in a lot of pain, so I cracked my back and cracked something wrong and could barely twist my back to normal, that week I spent some time at the physios and in our flat.. I received a priesthood blessing and I thought if I had
enough faith everything would be okay and it was for a while but it started to flare up again resulting in me having to come home. I can't change the circumstances of this situation but what I can do is TRUST Heavenly Father and I do.

This has been the hardest but most comforting time of my life. I received the phone call Saturday morning got my plane info on Sunday and bussed across the island to the mission home on Monday. Then Tuesday I flew home. It all happened so fast and I didn't really have any time to process what was happening because I was in shock but I also felt so much peace. As I was on the bus traveling back to the mission home in Hamilton, I was reading some of my journal entries and I realized that on Friday night before I received the phone call I would be going home, I wrote down how in my personal prayers on Friday night I caught myself telling Heavenly Father "I feel like I have done everything you need me to do" and I asked him if he is happy with what I'm doing? .. I wrote this down in my journal and then forgot about it until I read it on the bus on Monday.. when I got to Hamilton I had my last interview with my mission president which gave me so much closure and PEACE. I looked at him and told him "President in my patriarchal blessing it tells me I am to serve a full-time mission.. not a 9 month mission" he then asked me "Sister Sughroue have you felt the Spirit each day?" and I responded "yes" he then went on to say "then you served with a FULL HEART.. serving a full-time mission. You need to
go home and get healthy and remember that Heavenly Father is proud of you and loves you more than you know.. you have done EVERYTHING he has needed you to do" this really hit me.. I realized I wouldn't be coming back out on my mission even if I got everything sorted out with my back.. this is definitely not what I wanted and I couldn't understand the WHY but what I could understand is that I did feel the Spirit every single day, I did serve with my full heart and my Heavenly Father LOVES me and is HAPPY with what I did for him and his children in NZ. All along from the moment I opened my mission call, Heavenly Father knew this is was what was going to happen, He has a plan for me and it is a perfect plan that I can't completely see or understand fully but its a plan that I will trust in.

I am forever grateful for the time i had to serve the Lord in aoteroa. i fell in love with the people, the culture, serving others, and the beautiful island. i cant even begin to explain what i have learned from serving the lord in nz. i know the gospel is literally for every single peron on this earth. i have learned that God loves each of us perfectly with no ends, i have learned that its through exact obedience miracles come, i have learned that happiness is a choice, i have also most importantly truly been converted. i know with no doubt that joseph smith restored the church that christ once established on this earth, i know that families can be together forever, i have learned that there truly is an enabling power of the atonement, i have learned that the book of mormon is another
testament of christ and is true! i have also most importanly leanred that no matter where in the world you are, where you come from, where you are right now, and who you are or who you once were that you are LOVED by the creator of the heavens and the earth. he is aware of you and loves each of you.. and i am still learning so much each and every day. 

NEW ZEALAND will always have a special place in my heart and its because it is there where I was able to come to know my Savior personally. 

I am grateful to all of yous for following along beside me on this journey and for supporting me! This is just a little trial that I have to go through but I actually see it more as a BLESSING. I'm excited to see what Heavenly Father has planned for me and I know everything will work out. 
KIA KAHA.. stay strong!

"But behold, I will show unto you a God of miracles, even the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and it is that same God who created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are." mormon 9:11

arohanui, XO Sister Sughroue

Sister Hunter, Sister Sughroue & Sister Allen

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Week #37 - March 18th, 2018 - HOME.. trusting Heavenly Father

KIA ORA whanau.. I hope everyone is well and you all know that I love yous! So these past couple of weeks and months I have learned to rea...